Geder Palliako

Goddamnit, so many good shows on that list. Particularly disappointed about The Expanse, that show is in real danger of cancellation

I actually thought the last 15 minutes were a bit of a letdown, there was a lot of delicious ambiguity to the proceedings before that. I think it would have been more interesting if it had just ended with them about to drink, or something along those lines. Would have fit the movie better. Still, very good movie.

The heart plug is no doubt an incredibly memorable addition. I find OTT villainy more entertaining to watch then read about, especially when you have a game actor as the movie does.

I've read the extended The Stand so many times. The fact that there's so much more material makes the bad ending less egregious, I think.

Ah yes, I remember exactly what you mean. I didn't mind those too much, though perhaps it would have been better to get a few epigraphs from other people in universe. I generally quite enjoy epigraphs, even if they can be seen as a distraction or info-dumping.

I guess I need to re-read this, I barely remember her outside of the end. And no authoritative criticism required, god knows I can't do that shit either!

I think it's the mystical and foresight elements that carry over least well in the adaptations. The books do a good job of giving us a sense of how Paul is becoming less human as it goes along.

I can see what you mean about it being plodding, but I don't think there's anything particularly egregious about the structure. And I definitely don't remember there being that many updates on the Princess.

She's the Boba Fett of Stranger Things

Making Stormgren an American farmer instead of a UN official was pretty egregious:

I don't know, the vocal style on the first track sounds similar. And there are hints of horns still in there. But yeah; definitely a bit of an overhaul.

"If Bon Iver, Bon Iver built a habitat rooted in physical spaces"

I really, really dig these two songs, particularly the first (God, this album is going to be such a pain to discuss with those awful indie blog band titles). Wasn't expecting Bon Iver to go in such an experimental direction, and I like the lo-fi production and sampling.

Yes, the Lewis records were very nice. I was also a big fan of their Karen Dalton reissues. God that woman has a wonderful voice.

Basically every song is like that. Weird and shambling and out of time, occasionally with weird time signatures the girls made up themselves. It's pretty cute I guess, but I wouldn't listen to it again!

This album is pretty magical in it's terribleness. Every so often things align and it almost becomes good, but it's still terrible. Best part of the album is almost certainly the story behind it, which is definitely special! I'm already chuckling at the thought of people buying this and being unaware of it's

I dread to think what reviews of Eastbound's second season would be like these days. Maybe just the word "problematic" in bold written a thousand times.

"Sometimes I think this same thinking in this kind of criticism makes people think that denying empathy to people who do bad things makes them good— if anything, I think that misses the point"

At least he's found his perfect job in the Hawaii Five-O remake, one of the blandest shows to ever bland.

It really bothers me that the AVClub keeps using that image. Hiatt does not represent The Shield damnit!