Geder Palliako

A couple of the episodes felt a bit tired last season, if anything Mac being openly gay should give them more material to mine. It'll be a shame if he just decides he isn't gay because God saved them after all, which wasn't explicitly said but seems likely.

Hating Esposito seems to have become some sort of meme here. It's definitely rather ugly.

Yeah. I dreaded the FYC articles written by her. And god, her Leftover reviews…

You sure there hasn't been a For Your Consideration article arguing that? It sounds very familiar…

I too have been baffled by some of the reviews. It seems to be an increasing trend in criticism to demand moral behavior from characters, to claim everything is either endorsing or exploiting. Everything has to be following a progressive narrative or it's not worthwile.

Given that they were writing a hundred articles a day about you'd think it might warrant a mention. If only to get some clicks on those hundred articles

You can make a case for the Germans being the initial aggressors, but they were responding to Russia mobilizing it's troops, itself an act of aggression. I think it's fairly hopeless trying to find an initial aggressor in that conflict personally.

All of the allies were also imperialist warmongers.

I hope this starts a trend of Great Job Internet headlines pleading for our attention with increasing desperation.

I agree completely. A lot of Jimmy's material in Season 1 in particular was a distraction, even if his final arc is fantastic.

Completely agreed. It's amazing, the patience they had with that.

I really hope Boardwalk gets re-evaluated eventually. It seems most critics and a load of viewers checked out of the show around Season 2, which is such a shame because it's so wonderfully put together and tragic.

Normal Mad Men seasons were 13 episodes though, and season 7 was 14 split over 2 years! It wasn't as bad with Breaking Bad. And all those other networks don't make you wait a whole year at least.


Ah yes, thanks, I'd completely forgotten. Now that you mention it it does seem rather unlikely she'd have a gun on her.

Hmm, all plausible ways it could go. Is the MCC lady actually at the prison while all of that is going down? That's a good point about her wanting to get into Maria's inner circle. Daya has never been particularly smart, and I can see her thinking this is a perfect chance when really it will most likely be disastrous.

He was introduced immediately masturbating to a crying inmate once she left the room, right? I didn't get that wrong?

That would make sense. It would be an odd anti-climactic moment after that shot though.

I think it's worth noting that Bayley may have started off decent, but was already starting to be corrupted by Litchfield and the other toxic guards. He tried to trade a favour for a handjob from Piper and Alex.

It seems awfully odd that she was the one to pick up the gun in the first place.