Geder Palliako

I agree with all of this. I think this rare show of vulnerability illustrated a lot about Ramsay's character as you say. There's none of his previous glee at murder and mayhem, this genuinely rattled him.

Yeah, he probably forgot she even existed at this point. How many millions of kids does he have?

There were no guards in that scene though. The article is wrong damnit!

Please cease with the book quoting.

It's not an anachronism.

God I wish that were true. They've invaded this comment section too with their tired whining.

I've always thought that quote was just a flippant remark Weiss made. Many of the episodes have very explicit unifying themes .

Yes; it's true that the defense of 'it's historically accurate' is poor by itself. But the idea that the mere depiction is somehow sexist is bizarre to me. There's nothing inherently worthwile about showing a universe where women are not subjugated either. There have been stumbles, but the show overwhelmingly portrays

What it is, is completely and utterly incorrect. The books have far more rape.

"Disparate peoples"? I hear those guys are parasites.

Captain Galt: The First Objector

I was going to say this is exactly the adaptation Ayn Rand deserves, but then I remembered those Atlas Shrugged movies. I'm sure Snyder will do the Objectivist Cinematic Universe proud, can't be any worse

Apostles Assemble!

Does Trump offer anything other than low hanging fruit?

I don't know if that's true. Trump is already a caricature of himself, and so open and brazen. No parody lives up to the real thing.

Why should civilians have access to guns? Most developed countries seem to get on rather well without them.

I would genuinely pay an exorbitant price to watch that.

I guess, though recent is pretty vague, and the last time they did it was 2007. I guess 2013 was the cutoff point, for some reason? Even though the article praises the resurgence of the form over the past decade.

I'm baffled it isn't there honestly. Has the AVClub really soured on the show that much?

I suppose that's true. A shame this wasn't a 13 episode season, could have gotten it done. Next season is going to be a very odd season, I wonder if they'll pull a Hannibal S3 and have two markedly different halves between the end of Leviathan's Wake and when they get into "Caliban's War", or if all the new characters