Geder Palliako

Two hour finale next week too, gonna be a whole loada fireworks. That said, it would have been nice to have some resolution to the season rather than just big shocking material, put a cap on things.

Man, the effects on Julie's corpse were truly horrifying. Well done on that front SyFy. Didn't expect it to be that unnerving.

If we're being ridiculously, comically reductive then yes.

I agree. Un Prophete is specifically crafted to the prison and immigrant experience in France, I feel, I don't see how this is going to manage to stand out.

So, the context of those two other things is different, exactly as the context of the rape storyline is different. Gotcha.

You know, I had a respectful and well thought out response, but this really ticked me off:

First time I was unsure about the quality, so I decided to read it again to make up my mind. After that, I decided they were both a mess, withs scattered highlights. I then decided to read it combined to see if it would make any difference, sadly it did not. That was 3 years ago, and I read Feast recently again to see

I have read Feast and Dance for too often for it be mere arrogant dismissal, though I'm sure there are some that engage in that. And I think feeling superior is worse than merely saying "these books are bad" personally.

Oh, I have no problem with being condescending in general. The whole "you probably like simpler stuff, not reading these wonderful complex books" attitude just grates in particular, apologies as it appears that is not what you meant.

Yes, it was the only thing kept from Winterfell. Other than, I don't know, Theon escaping, and Stannis' army approaching, two massively important details.

But he was weened on venom Seonaidh! Why aren't you marvelling at the greatness of George's dialogue?

I don't agree with the character motivations or complexity points, or the scene setting. Further, GRRM has completely sacrificed his story in favour of "world building" that is tedious and unnecessary. And fuck that condescending "you probably don't read" nonsense.

Yes, great dialogue like "I'm looking for a made of three and ten" times infinity.

Your dismissive words have moved me ser.

Quentyn? Areo Hotah? Interesting? I wish you could see me laughing, ser. Also, Feast and Dance are dumbed down bullshit. Season 5 was far better.


But it's alright, because we got Quentyn instead!

Interpol are great motherfucker!

*Checks History*

Geder congratulates our noble latin overlords. May death come quickly to their enemies.