Geder Palliako


Oh I know, I've read the books. I was just hoping they'd come up with a real storyline for her.

Sicario was my favourite movie of the last year, so I'm disappointed by the lack of major nods. I think it was deserving of a screenplay and director nomination at the very least.

I think you can enjoy it as a fantasy story until you get to the end of Last Battle. Then the allegory levels go through the roof.

Can't argue with that badass armour and those elephants.

There's Horse and His Boy, and the Last Battle. Magician's Nephew was written after too, but I quite like that one.

I don't think Magician's Nephew was the best, but it's got some fantastic stuff. The world that was ended with a word is seared into my brain.

I agree. Fun fantasy adventure movies

The Last Battle is the worst by far.

But so much of the book is dominates by the weird anti-Middle Eastern sentiment! In any case, I found the characters annoying as well.

Oh for fuck's sake. The previous iteration was perfectly cromulent. Also, all the books after Silver Chair are awful.

He is a big part of why I checked out TV on the Radio, who I adore now.

It would be nice if Avasalara had a proper storyline, so far she's just had very short arcs and scenes within episodes. With Miller and Holden you have several threads running through, you have mystery and momentum. The Earth stuff is all reaction and vignettes, not that I think it's been bad.

Very solid episode I thought, some nice character beats. I quite liked the little vignette with Diogo, I think those parts are essential in making the OPA seem like more than thugs, same with the flashbacks last week, as well as giving the episodes more of a stand-alone feel. And Cutty is fairly great as Fred so far.

"A queer" is definitely seen badly, because it sounds somewhat dehumanising I think. But I know a fair few people who identify as queer, and I don't quite see how it's worlds apart. If Queer is commonly used as an umbrella term, than surely it's fine to call someone that falls under that umbrella, queer. Unless

Is there a growing backlash? I haven't seen much of that, and I'm quite active in LGBT+ circles in Ireland, and read up on the subject quite frequently. My college's society still uses Queer as one of the letters, and they're a very progressive group. It seems to me it's been entirely re-appropriated.

"I'm pretty far out.
That's pretty far out man"

As somebody posted above, his video for "Lazarus" has him singing from a hospital bed. An artist to the end.

Station to Station
5 Years

Never saw this video. It really is so obvious, and perfect, in retrospect. Even in the face of death he couldn't help but be fantastic.