Geder Palliako

Fuck me, this one hurts. At least his final album is an incredibly fitting final tribute to his immense talent.

I'll wager 400 quatloos on the newcomer, Mr Robot.

So fucking over-written.

I see what you mean. In retrospect it's probably better, but I would have been immensely disappointed at the time.


I suppose Hershel was alright. But even if Andrea and her sister was bad, most of the other conversations were worse. Everything with Dale for example, awful.

Yep. I think part of it is they just can't write decent scenes with dialogue, which makes every mid-season a complete slog. Darabont did alright with that in the first season, but it's been pitiful since. Most shows I watch, I can remember at least a couple of great scenes that involved people just talking. I'd really

I've been meaning to give it a shot, seems incredibly fun.

Nah, too expensive. They're just gonna chill on that boat, then make their way to somewhere boring and cheap.

The show has so little ambition. There's so much you can do with a post-apocalyptic America, and they keep falling back on the same two or three plots. Having recently played "The Last of Us" throws it into sharp relief.

I know we're in full GoT backlash mode these days, but I'm still surprised so few people here are excited. I am anyway.

Ah, that makes even more sense. DS9 was very good at plausible retcons.

Ah thank you, that makes plenty of sense.

(DS9 Spoilers)
Ah, I completely forgot about the Changeling virus! Someone should take away my Niner credentials

Some great parallels there, I agree.

I'm always amused by the sheer number of reporters. I mean, what do most of these guys do when they're not reporting? Was there a reporter convention ship? I could buy maybe one or two.

I dunno, I think you needed at least SOME closure to the characters, even if Earth was a wasteland. Great episode though.

Maybe I'm just a depressed nihilist, but I'm always curious when someone criticises something as meaningless due to a lack of hope or optimism. It doesn't quite make sense to me. Of course, I've seen neither of these movies, though I'll be rectifying that tonight.

She was alright, but she's no Whitehouse. That woman made moral outrage an artform

I hope much the same. It's unbelievably tiresome. Book wankers ruin all the fun.