Geder Palliako

I hate book fans. Especially me. But ESPECIALLY you.

The NeverEnding Massacre

Oh sorry! Genuinely wasn't trying to be snarky, just being a bit dim. And yeah, everyone rips stuff off. I don't really have a problem with it personally.

Those guys have songs that sound like Heroes?

He's probably referring to "All I Want", which is pretty damn similar to "Heroes" by Bowie

Meereen was actually decent in the show, because they cut all those pointless Zackazz mor Qozak characters bogging the thing down. It was the slog to end all slogs in the book

I reckon he'll crank it out in a couple of years. The last book (or two)? Never

The books have very, very little of Stannis being a tactician. It's mostly him marching, moping and getting stuck in the snow.

People love to bring up Dorne as if it's a perfect example of Season 5's quality. It is not, it is the worst part by far, and it really doesn't have much screentime. Jon Snow's arc in the books, much of it consists of him chatting with random nightwatchmen and checking food supplies and lists. Stannis spends the

Ridley Scott has the rights to Forever War at the moment (I think?), and he's notorious for keeping projects on hold, the bastard. Forever War is my favourite book, so I'd fucking love an adaptation, it could be fantastic.

See, I think Coldhands was entirely silly and I was glad he was cut. Maybe I just don't fuck with elk riding zombies.

Agreed entirely. You know, up to this point I thought Jessica refusing to engage with support or dealing with her trauma was being treated as part of her character, but this scene made me think the show is actually straight up advocating against support groups. Something I think can be invaluable to survivors of

Hardly anything in fiction would pass the investigation test if that were the standard.

Thing is, no-one can ever agree on what "exploitative" is, it's so vague as a criticism.

"If one is dealing with rape in a story, the presence of people and the reaction of rape to their agency should be the first (and one might even say only, as the significance of the act in the sortie is drawn out of how it affects people ) point of concern."

Except they changed the rape as well. And Theon's escape is still similar. And I still don't see how that's relevant either, or what kind of point you're making

Hmm, I definitely don't recall that about the Tickler. There was that pedophile priest who hung out with the Brave Companions though, I remember that now.

Not true at all.

"It's that in some cases the showrunners are going out of their way to turn what was consensual sex into rape, which serves no purpose (the definition of "gratuitous")"

I really don't remember those, but I'll take your word for it. Though I think I remember hints about Damphair being abused.