Geder Palliako


She does get better

I love Battlestar's approach of keeping people around as virtual extras before pushing them into the spotlight, it makes the world feel so much richer. It pays major dividends with Crashdown here, and with a couple of others later. I think Sam Witwer does great work here, the way he's in tears when he's ordering

It's annoying as all fuck. I'm re-watching the show with my roommate who's never seen it, and it's terrible how much it gives away. I tell him to cover his eyes

Shoutout to Hot Chip's Why Make Sense, one of the funnest albums of the year.

Came here to give this a shoutout too! Steven Wilson is perennially underrated, and so fantastic. Probably his best album.

Completely forgot to listen to Royal Headache's new album! The first was so great.

I think Thank Your Lucky Stars is better than Depression Cherry, but both are great. I like them more grounded I guess.

Is it unethical though? It is their profession after all.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

I wonder about some of these people's lives. When they walk into a room, do they immediately scan for the most defensible position? I couldn't live with the paranoia

Manimal, I'm sure you've been asked this before, but…why do you consistently up vote yourself?

It hurts, but it's true.

Hannibal Season 3 sucked!

Hardly, GoT has won a single year, whereas Modern Family had a stranglehold on the Emmy's for years.

I read a theory recently that Trystane was going to turn out to be The Kid. It's now my greatest fear for this coming season.

It's the kind of twist that would work in Book 2. Book 5? Get the fuck outta here George.

Moment? It was half an hour man, that's a pretty big chunk of the season. More, if you count the buildup too it.

Not a second of new footage? Oh well, still extremely excited. I loved Season 5, so I have high expectations

They never did that much to develop Helo outside of "Standup guy, 8's love interest".