Geder Palliako

Even that felt too neat in it's irony. I mean really, basically all of the main resistance members? They couldn't have had some variety there?

That scene (hell, the whole damn episode) really is hilariously dumb. And I actually liked Billy!

Ah right. Definitely sounds like it should be reworked or excised for this show, in that case. Don't want another "Rape of Thrones"esque controversy.

Huh. I really should re-read the book, because I don't remember it being handled that well. I certainly don't remember the victim calling him out, though I'm sure it happens.

It's an integral plot point too! Really fucked up. Hopefully they'll find another way to show that Foyle is a piece of shit.

It has the dose of pure awesome that is Cylon Centurions boarding Galactica, for one.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind Fat Apollo if it didn't look so unconvincing! And he gets a tan at one point too, for some reason. I can see a depressed and purposeless Apollo gaining a ton of weight, but what the fuck was that tan?

I guess Dylan ripped off the scrolls of Pythia…or something. Nah, there's no decent fanwank for that stuff.

Oof. I hate the Final 5 so much, I just can't give the show credit for it. It just feels so…arbitrary. I at least felt Season 3 was rooted in character, even when we were embroiled in some filler about genocidal doctors.

Agreed. Really, it's the whole second half of the season that had terrible pacing. All those crime and labour related episodes, the general lack of movement. And no fucking cylons for most of it at all! The first half is pretty clear in what it's doing by comparison: New Caprica and the aftermath, learning more about

They definitely let that conciseness get away from them. But even in Season 4, they showed they had the knack, with The Oath/Blood on the Scales. The Mythology was just too convoluted at that point, but the fleet politics and tensions were still top-notch.

All the dickery with Starbuck in Season 1 definitely didn't endear him to anyone, nor his being harsh with the Chief. I don't think they really made much effort to make him likeable until that silly comedy episode with his wife

BSG Season 2 had such a high batting average, considering the 20 episode model it was stuck with. I really only count "Black Market" and "Sacrifice" as weak.

*adjusts glasses*

Yeah, I don't think they kept that up post mini-series.

To me, the opening run of Season 2 is the strongest BSG ever was, even more than New Caprica or Pegasus. The show spent a lot of time setting up all the characters flaws and personalities in the first season, and here you have them all thrust into positions they aren't ready for, shit getting impossibly real. As Zack

Hey, Carson was a hammer wielding maniac but he managed to lift himself up by his own bootstraps (with a little help from the G-man of course). Why can't these losers?

I think they've determined it's white guys in military style clothes

I dunno, Henry Rollins is hated because he's a massive asshole. Way more than those other guys.

He had a cool costume, that's enough to be memorable.