Geder Palliako

Well, how else can we teach them that violence is wrong Dikachu? Honest portrayal?

Didn't he kill a bunch of humans in that episode where the bounty hunters spend 10 minutes setting up a trap? Or where they just humanoid robots. Of course, there was no blood there either.

Tale of X9

There's no guarantee Germany would have fallen into chaos as quickly if the war was going better. And it would have made a big difference if the frontline was 50 miles further east, and without America it would likely have been all the way to Paris. France may even have considered surrendering.

Ludendorf and Hindenburg would not have sued for peace when they did if the offensive had been successful. It is relevant.

It was a military defeat ultimately, because they lost far more men than they could replace, and America had just provided 3-4 million troops. But initially, it lead to more movement than the previous 3 years, they got halfway to Paris. Then the Allied counteroffensive was very successful in pushing them back. The

The offensive did not come up well short. It was one of the most successful military actions of the war, and only did not succeed because of the enormous casualties. Casualties that would have been significantly lessened if the US didn't have fresh reinforcements on the western front at the time.

Under any circumstances? Nonsense. There's plenty of debate on that point.

America's involvement at least brought a swifter end to the war, probably saving millions of lives. Not an entirely worthless endeavour.

*Obama disappears mid-speech*

That's some solid execu-speak. Blast fax kudos all around

Hmm, I suppose. I just don't know the point. Do studios really expect people to be excited for the movie for over a year? Or is it just about getting people aware?

Oh dear, I hope Ridley isn't a Skywalker/Solo. There has to be more than 10 people in this fucking galaxy!

I've felt that way about most of the MCU movies as well. I mean, I enjoy them. I expect I'll enjoy this one too, have a nice chat with friends about it afterwards. Maybe it's just a franchise/oversaturation problem.

Apologies, I misunderstood the tone of your comment.

My dad honestly couldn't wrap his head around the fact that they were releasing a teaser for the movie over a year in advance when I showed it to him. The hype is crazy.

All of that's in the trailer though. And there's bound to be more, it's what Abrams does.

People are going to be glad it's at least competently made I suppose. Abrams does competent well.

C'mon man, we're getting another giant spherical super weapon, another crash landing onto a desert planet, another loveable droid companion. It's a safe bet at this point

Now let's be fair here: BSG jumped the shark way before that