Geder Palliako

I like the Obergruppenfuhrer's style, though he could do with a spider priest or two. But really, couldn't we all do with one of those?

I think it's got a bit of a sense of a humour (though most of the characters don't). Ed is occasionally amusing, the bits of world building like the nazi police show and the gameshow are darkly comedic.

He's actually pretty good

I disagree. I think it's exactly the time and the place. The sooner conversations like this occur, the better. Before groups try to use this as a chance to abuse the liberties of millions, as has happened in the past. People are already taking this as a chance to slander the muslim community.

No doubt. These are the same assholes who still endlessly parade Munich 1938 as the ultimate moral failing.

They make me sick, but at least people in France don't listen to them. Marine Le Pen and her chucklefuck brigade on the other hand…I look forward to my asshole Front Nationale uncle's views on this tragedy.

I can't wait for our politicians to use this crime against humanity as a chance to reject basic human dignity. I see American Republicans are getting some fucking inspired material from this already.

What a snappy way to piss on both France, and thousands of immigrants and refugees at a time. The man has a gift.

People saying stuff like "it's time the world put an end to this Saddam plague", is part of why we have the ISIS plague.

As a French person with relatives in Paris, I don't agree with this it all. We should do exactly as we always do while France is dealing with this threat, because fuck terrorism. I don't want people to give in to a climate of fear.

I worry about this too. After the Charlie Hebdo attacks, one of the first responses was to draft new legislation for surveillance. As horrible as this attack is, these attacks are still irregular and have been relatively minor in the past. And I'm sure the wave of anti-Muslim and anti-Immigrant sentiment will be

I actually meant Andrew Johnson rather than LBJ, sorry, should have made that clear! I agree that LBJ was generally pretty good, especially on domestic issues. But as you said…except for goddamn Vietnam.

Oh yeah, there was definite abuses and questionable stuff in his presidency. All those arrests for dissidence, segregating the army. He probably doesn't deserve to be top 10, or perhaps even top 20. But worse than fucking Hoover, Johnson or Dubya?

I just assume Aranaktu is on crack. How else to explain Wilson being ranked as the second worst?

"Admiral, if you would just take this paternity test…"
"It's a trap!"

Sometimes I think I must have imagined Threshold in some feverish dream. It's incredible that it actually exists

I quite like the ending run of Deep Space 9, especially how Dukat was randomly vaporised at the beginning of the arc and never spoken of again. But that's a solid plan I can get behind!

"Valiant" with adults, perhaps?

Yeah, exactly. Some of their arc stuff may have been silly (The Hologram slavery), but there was progress and change.

I thought they were pretty fucking dumb. Can't believe those are some of the few recurring characters they picked up, while people who'd been there since the beginning were unceremoniously killed off (RIP Lt Carey, you were a saint)