Geder Palliako

I thought Voyager becoming the Janeway-Seven-Doctor show was an improvement. To me, they were the characters with the strongest sense of personality (or at least, Seven and the Doctor).

I love Ronald D Moore's work on Deep Space 9, but after the end of Battlestar, my faith in his show running abilities is somewhat shaken.

She wanted to deal a devastating blow to masculinity and men everywhere, obviously.

Claw hands beat and twisted and danced on the air; abruptly they descended and the thing that had been a commenter began to claw at its face. “Greater than you think, Internet!” it cackled. “Greater than you think! Opened my eyes when they posted the article! Wanted to see! I saw! I saw! Greater than you think!"

It is absolutely necessary, for the peace and safety of mankind, that some of internet’s dark, dead corners and unplumbed depths be left alone; lest sleeping abnormalities wake to resurgent life, and blasphemously surviving Great Job, Internets! squirm and splash out of their black lairs to newer and wider clicks.

I just think it's pretty lame considering she has no LGBT characters in the books at all. Makes it seem like a retcon to cover her ass on that front, rather than something she just didn't find space to include.

Maybe I'm just a craven coward, but I don't think it's as simple as that. France was defeated militarily when they surrendered, they were putting the lives of their civilians and culture at risk by continuing the fight. Furthermore, they didn't know at the time the full extent of Nazi brutality. With Russia, it was a

Re-watching the show, Daniel's story really gets to me. The poor bastard's entire life was a cosmic joke.

What, so workplace sexism isn't a problem, because some women are mean to each other? Utterly bizarre.

I'd say Beast is the best one, though BBS is also worthy. The other two are just disappointing as you say.

That's pretty far out man!

I agree. Tusk is incredible. Buckingham's frenetic, unhinged pop songs work perfectly alongside the gorgeous Nicks and McVie compositions.

I feel the same. Then I actually remember Enterprise.

I actually think Faramir in the movie is much better than the bland Tolkien stand in of the books.

He also wrote Million Dollar Baby, I'd say that is his best work.

But, it was sort of necessary. I want an ending dammit!

I think Balloonman inspiring Bruce Wayne in "Gotham" is worse. But that's still pretty terrible.

It's probably because AAA wanted to be on the show, but couldn't fit a big role into his schedule. And if he's up for a small role, why not?

But how else will we know whether or not a godless man may sit the seastone chair?

While that would be awesome, I can't see Ian McShane in a bright blonde wig