Geder Palliako

True Detective is different though. This season was an entirely different show, and was maligned from the beginning. If True Detective had continued the story into Season 2, and then gotten flak it would work as a comparison. Perhaps I should have said "long running shows", as that's what I meant.

Does Game of Thrones get a pass critically? Sure, most critics think it's good, but there aren't many popular shows that get more flak and critical think pieces than GoT as I see it.

Caught up on the final season of Justified. What an incredible send off. Walton Goggins is like the Robert Johnson of actors, he must've sold his soul to the TV devil to have two brilliant characters and two shows go out firing on all cylinders. Though what I liked most about the finale was that it went out rather

I'm fine with the Jesus parallels, it's not like Superman stuff hasn't always been rife with it. Having just re-watched the 1978 movie, they basically frame Jor El as God, even having him be a translucent figure travelling through space and time to get his son to help humanity.

And she wouldn't ever just ask her father about it? It's pretty dumb. Her reasons for thinking she was being passed over were tenuous at best too.

Isn't Arianne pretty much a sexy prince with something ta prove? I mean, her first chapter she's seducing someone, then she's plotting because her daddy doesn't love her enough

"I've got a great idea for my new sound; how about the Postal Service, but 300x more obnoxious, and less tuneful?" - Owl City, probably

But…I do like the Monkeys! Sorry if my reply was overly snarky

I thought Days of Future Past had excellent effects. What stood out to you as shoddy?

Thanks! I'll give it a shot

"Two Penises and an Ejaculation" is actually the title of my auto-biography

Ah right, I thought we were just talking X Men characters in general. I've been meaning to get into the comics for a while, it's always been my favourite superhero franchise just going off the show and movies. And I'd be interested to see how they made Cyclops that cool

For me it was just really out of place, just very odd. If the movie had a been a campy caper throughout it would have been fine. Storm said dumber stuff in the animated series all the time, but most of the characters did so it was alright.

Aren't we all bud?

Hmm, that does sound like a fairly interesting character beat. That still doesn't sound more interesting than say, Magneto, but a big improvement over him in the movies. Though I imagine the execution is everything.

Those mods better hurry up dammit

What is interesting about Cyclops? I admit to never having read any of the comics

Yeah, that's a great moment. I always loved the "stay away from my girl" exchange too. Cyclops is basically an obnoxious boy scout

Wait a second…you made 40,000 in 4 months, and have already bought an Alfa Romeo? This seems like highly irresponsible spending. What about rent and cost of living? I await your reply madame.

It is pretty disheartening when half of the front page is GJIs. Not quite buzzfeed levels, but worrying.