Geder Palliako

Wait a second…that's basically the whole album! Making for a comic juxtaposition with my comment!

Cyclops is pretty lame, but at least Wolverine plays off him well. Storm is just kind of…there. And he's never had a line as cringeworthy as Storm's awful query concerning toads and lightning.

We Irish have a long history of oppression, so naturally I look forward to being hostile and unwelcoming

I'd say Humbug is easily their weakest. I really don't think the sludgy style they went with on that album paid off, though there's some great stuff on there (Crying Lightning)

That's sad, but hardly surprising. Feel a bit guilty for not reading more of their stuff now, it was a good site

That's all very good, but when do I get to chill with Beck and Tom Cruise?

For me it tends to be a rather sudden thing. Like, an enormous red flag. Recent example: girl I see almost daily, beautiful and endearing, started talking about how she wouldn't get into a taxi with a "foreigner". Crush ended. Of course that's rather extreme, and sometimes I do think I'm essentially looking for

That pretty accurately describes me until this year. So many girls I could have dated, hoping that they'd make a move first. Accepting that that generally won't happen has been a big help.

You should be. I aim to steal that and use it in the near future

Yeah, but this is the first time he's overwhelmed me

Slightly less bizarre than that first comment, but I'm still baffled.

Your nitpick is noted, but rejected with utmost contempt


I hate every spy I see, from 007 to 023
you've finally made a villain out of me

Worse than Bender's Game? Y'all be trippin

I've always had a soft spot for "The Beast with a Billion Backs"

Oh, I'm sure Stan is eventually going to get a great arc once we get closer to the endgame and he finds out about his neighbours. Kind of like Hank in Breaking Bad. I still like the character in any case.

Season 1 is definitely the most cohesive narrative the show ever had. There's no point in Season 2 where all the characters were as connected, and it had like 8 storylines compared to 4 or 5 in Season 1. Season 1 had a very linear narrative, as well as a lead that really dominated. I still think Season 2 was very

Renly and Stannis were very disappointing, especially the resolution (still my pick for cheapest plot twist in the series). And I'd say Season 5 was much better. You forgot the Robb and Talisa romance, which was very dull. Season 5 had a lot of good stuff: The Wall, Hardhome, King's Landing, Tyrion-Varys, Valyria.

Ah yeah, I'd forgotten about Nina (which says it all I guess). Her arc definitely wasn't very satisfying, despite a couple of good scenes, like the one with Vassili.