Geder Palliako

I would agree with one caveat: I really don't think Stan had a compelling arc in Season 3, and the excellence of all the others makes it more glaring.

The weaker seasons have each had one killer episode so far. See also: Season 2, Blackwater

I suppose it's true, they didn't put all that much effort into promoting it. But would that have made that much difference? It's a pretty arty, niche show. I don't think the ratings were ever going to be great. And does the lack of promotion explain the lack of award success?

Yeah, they really didn't get much out of it. No awards, no ratings, just internet buzz.

Honestly, a lot of people just watch it for the scenery. It's fairly dull otherwise.

Oh fine! After all, someone is wrong on the internet, and that cannot stand. But I won't enjoy it, cos I'm not one of those filthy man-children

WHAT?? This sounds NON CANONICAL to me…sadly I don't have the time today to re-watch all three movies and prove you wrong. Nerd

Yes you are. If only because Yoda doesn't have a lightsaber in the Original Trilogy, and he was way cooler back when he solely used the force, and therefore his lightsaber is super lame, nerd!

How would that even work though? Helm's Deep would be like, 10 guys with swords on a football field. You need money to make it work

I don't think it would too hard, there's a lot of standalone episodes that could be excised

Facts don't need to be inventive, jokes do.

News guy wept when he told us,
Hall was really singing,
Cried so much that his face was wet,
Then I knew he was playing Bowie

I rather hope he'll die in a touching montage set to Sia, on his home planet, surrounded by his numerous and belligerent children

He can be Bowie. Just for one play.

"What are you doing in my trailer? What the fuck is Evangelion?"

Funny youtube videos, normies love funny youtube videos

He just implied the exact opposite actually. Also, that's some pretty weak gay bashing. At least be inventive.

Exactly. There was never a point where the Confederacy redeemed itself in some ways, it's all negative.

The Brew Must Go On

Oh nice, I'll be checking that out then! Though I suppose that means he probably won't be in Utopia.