Geder Palliako

Maybe they can get Maskell for it again? I'd love that.

My first thought too.That's great casting. There's a definite similarity there, and Mara is fantastic.

I'm glad you pulled through man. I've always enjoyed your posts, as infrequently as I comment here.

a) I used to think that music, tv and books were enough to get me through the day and/or life, until very recently. But I've been seriously depressed for years, and those were the things I always turned to and they didn't help all that much, even when I enjoyed them. Now that I've actually been getting help, I realise

I hope at least ONE of them continues to be important going forward. That pissed me off about the tailies.

It was definitely a weird finale. It kind of reminded me of the Season 4 finale of the Sopranos; it paid off stuff I didn't even realise needed payoff (Black Cindy's Judaism), and let other thing hanging that seemed far more important (Sophia). Still very enjoyable though.

Loss of Alex isn't a Pro?

It really did drag, and I don't think it had any decent pay off to be honest. Toast Norma was hilarious though I agree.

I suppose we're meant to pity him just because of how pathetic he is. He's essentially a complete and utter failure. It also bothers me that Red is going to the effort to make him feel better, but I suppose it's understandable, she's lonely (and she knows it'll give her an edge in future).

Yeah, as un-engaging as I found most of her storyline this season, that was a well-deserved move

I hadn't even thought of that! Red is going to steamroll her

Are you McFeasting as we speak?

I really like this song. I love it when Low ramp up the intensity, and this reminds me of similarly raw stuff they did on Drums and Guns, like Murderer (still my favourite track of theirs)

Damn, sounds like quite a night. I'm still kicking myself for missing the chance to see Slowdive in France last year.

That would be fairly enormously disappointing. As much as GRRM has totally lost control of his story, I give him a bit more credit than that

I refused to buy that world book because of the two crackpots who wrote it, so I'll have to take your word on that. Guess I should prepare myself

It definitely doesn't help that he's done a pretty shit job of setting up the Others as a threat. They've appeared only twice in person. There's not a single appearance by an Other in the last two books, and only one appearance by Wights. This is meant to be his endgame for fuck's sake! The show has certainly done a

Has there been a scene with Healy browsing /r/redpill yet? I keep expecting one.

Yeah, didn't he say "I love you" over and over during the rape scene? I think that speaks to how delusional he is.

Yeah, I guess that's a possibility. I suppose they could build boats too, they're able to make armour and things.