Geder Palliako

That's the problem with setting up a force that seems unstoppable. It's almost never going to be as interesting or exciting when they actually defeat it. Like with the Shadows in Babylon 5. Hardhome is probably going to be the peak of the White Walker storyline in retrospect.

Are we meant to think they're all gonna die too? It's not something that's really been brought up

This is a big worry for me too. I have a feeling it's going to be wrapped up rather quickly. Worst case scenario for me would be a Bran Ex Machina, where he uses his mystical powers to destroy the White Walker threat.

Yeah, thinking about it more, an apocalypse is just too much, and definitely not "bittersweet". It's just straight up narrative sabotage, rather than just inverting tropes.

I think this is probably the most likely outcome, but I'm just worried it's going to feel unearned, or inconsistent with the world view the series has had so far. I've always imagine that the various nobles will band together to defeat the White Walkers, but as soon as that's over the series will end with yet another

I think at this point, the series MO has been so brutal and consistent, that an even remotely happy ending would seem out of place. So yeah, I wouldn't be all that surprised

That theory is my pick for most baffling. Ned's old war buddy is an insane religious fantastic now?

Sure, but I don't think it would be the cataclysm GRRM dying would be. Not having those theories confirmed either way would drive some folks crazy.

I genuinely worry about some of these people. How will they react when GRRM inevitably fails to finish the series?

Fuck, this is getting complex

There is. I forgot hookers! Damnit, I should just hand in my Frank Miller fan club card.

That's all very good. But will there be an unending parade of one dimensional strippers and femme fatales?

I met Tim Robbins at Dublin airport once as a kid. He was a really friendly guy, gave me his autograph and high fived me.

Is there a joke or reference in that, or is it just a typo? Already a better mystery than True Detective Season 2

This episode had some serious edginess. I can't wait until Pizzolotto brings in Frank Miller to write Season 3.

I hope so! And hey, maybe we can get Miss Claudette back too when that happens

I think that because the inmates aren't really aware of how this is all part of an overarching set of moves by the MCC it's hard for them to really focus their anger. Prison bureaucracy is probably something many of them don't care to understand either. I may be misremembering or misreading, but they aren't really

I see what you're saying, but isn't resentment towards them pretty much a given? Most of these women are used to getting fucked by the system, comic resignation seems like the appropriate reaction to me

I don't remember a pipe bomb, but wasn't she accused of strangling Christopher's fiancé? It wouldn't surprise me if Morello did both

I suppose it's true. I guess I'm just nitpicking really.