Geder Palliako

That's pretty likely I suppose. That gives me hope

If that really was her sendoff and we aren't seeing her again than it's doubly frustrating, because that really wasn't a satisfying end in any way.

I really appreciate the love of food that everyone in that prison has. It's part of what makes them feel like real people. Them crowding around and eating the ratatouille was beautiful

The writers really do seem to have fallen in love with the panty business idea, when it's something I've only found mildly amusing so far. I mean, where could it go that would actually be interesting? Then again, they managed to make Pennsatucky interesting, so maybe they'll turn it around

That was immensely frustrating, a very well played moment. Suzanne's adventures in eroticism have been a highlight of the season.

See, I'm not convinced that she actually cares about Gloria at all, and doesn't just want an excuse to fuck somebody up, particularly somebody she clearly harbours resentment towards for being trans.

I still don't get why they got rid of Nicky so quickly. I hope it's an actress availability issue, and not that the show writers actually thought that was a good idea.

Agreed on that. He was all too cartoonish for me in Season 1, but he was fantastic this episode. Showed some real depths

It seems a bit off to me because, is there really no-one else that could possibly give a lift to Gloria's kid? It's a weak way of starting the conflict and bring more trans discrimination into the show, when I think there must be more realistic ways of doing that.

I dunno, after what she did last season I wouldn't be at all surprised if she murdered Christopher. Her delusion runs really deep.

Agreed. Goddamn she is so creepy, and it's easy to forget that sometimes when she has heartwarming scenes, like the one with Suzanne.

Orange is the New Black always manages to make me feel empathy for even the most despicable characters.

I guess the answer to "what the hell are they going to do with Piper?" is "she's going to become a villain". It's not very interesting either

I loved her in Adjustment Bureau as well. Not a great movie by any means, but her and Damon were great together.

What? So essentially, you're arguing nothing matters outside the current moment. How bizarre.

I don't see how that's relevant to the conversation, unless you don't care about improving things for future generations.

Actually, they are weekly events. There's been over 140 mass shootings in 2015 so far. Granted, it depends on how you define "mass", but in this case it's 4 or more people injured or killed.

I don't believe that it's impossible for American society to change enough that banning firearms could be feasible. Maybe that would take 50, 100, or 200 years, but it's possible. Talking about it now is what will lead to that if it ever happens.

He also apparently talked about killing people with his neighbours, and told his roommate about his race war plans.

In many cases, those tighter gun control laws will actually make a big difference, so I'm not sure why you're downplaying that. There's always banning fire-arms as well, but obviously that isn't a realistic short-term goal. But it is an option.