Geder Palliako

In so far as strong gun control regulation can be called oppressive, yes. Though really, them seeing the light is unnecessary to the process, so long as they stay within the law.

Social change doesn't necessitate the total conversion of the population to an idea. Of course there'll be people who will always be beyond the reach of dialogue. That said, maybe his more liberal neighbour watched the clip online and decided to chat with him over a couple of beers. You never know these things can

Speeches like that are probably among the most effective. It opens up dialogue, motivates people.

I don't think the situation in America has changed so enormously that those tactics have no effect. Racism is largely unacceptable in American society now. Sure, there's more subtle forms or racism that endure on a large scale, but it isn't close. The same thing for equal marriage. People's minds can be changed. The

I agree. I'd hate for the show to just be filling in the gaps in Season 3 of Breaking Bad with Saul stuff. I'm not too worried though, as you said, Gilligan will probably nail it.

I disagree. Conversations, grass-roots movements, petitions, these kinds of things can and have changed legislation and attitudes.

The idea that things can't change is part of why they often don't.

The speed at which you devolved to "u mad bro" needling is impressive.

In every single sense you are countrymen with your fellow Americans.

Seriously? That's awful. Let me grab my valyrian steel pitchfork

How can it be taken any other way? You don't talk about the actual topic, you haven't actually read what he said. It reads like a deliberate attempt to change the conversation.

I don't see what else there is to propose that would make a major impact. He says himself in the video he doesn't expect it to happen, that doesn't mean people should give up.

Uninformed criticism is the best kind of criticism I always say.

It has everything to do with politics. This young man wanted to start a race war. His views are similar to those espoused by many other white supremacists. The reason he could get a gun in the first place is because of politics.

That's what I suspected, it's just that it doesn't make sense in context here

Sorry, but I'm confused by this comment.

Greater gun control regulation would be the logical next step.

*Checks commenting history*
*Breitbart News Network*
This checks out

Is probably as unlikely to shoot up a church. Mental Illness is not synonymous with violence.

No. Because it's too easy just to dismiss this as a real social issue by saying the root cause is always mental illness.