Geder Palliako

We just haven't been learning the right lessons. The church goers should all have been wearing kevlar, the preacher should have been wielding a minigun, and the sexton strapped with a Kalashnikov.

That bag of skittles could have caused some serious damage bro

It's pretty great in general. One article when the gay marriage referendum passed was "Reports coming in of dozens of churches spontaneously combusting into flames. Sexy topless Firefighters everywhere"

The way this guy was gently taken away really highlighted that. I'm willing to bet they'd have tackled a brown man to the ground.

That is probably the most childish response possible

"isolated, disturbed folks who are selfish and have no sense of reality" is a perfect summation of the Sopranos family

Ha yeah, that's where I got the figure. Linked it further down too. A fantastic article

Well, the response to mass shooting 142 was predictably awful. But I have high hopes for no. 143!

Well, clearly those poor bastards were brainwashed by the evil A-rabs, and therefore not to blame.

Actually, it's Ignatiy that's the Heaven's Gate fan!

Yeah, Season 4 is Lithgow. He's really the only great part of that season. You should definitely skip Season 3, that's for sure.

Season 1 is pretty damn good television. I'll go to bat for Season 2 and 4 as well, despite their flaws.

He's not imposing enough to be a good villain. But he's great as an endearing goofball

But I think the plot has lead to things, with the Dany story these past 2 seasons being a key exception. We've been through 3 kings in 5 seasons. The Starks lost the war, their kingdom and their lives. The Wildlings were beaten and then joined the Night's Watch in an alliance. Stannis was utterly defeated. Jon Snow

I would agree, except that his plan turns out to be complete garbage. Seriously, his 20 year master plan is to send his son to beg Dany. That's it. Which completely undercuts that image.

Ah right, that is a pretty positive review. Willa Paskin is a good critic. The consensus still seems to be largely mixed rather than negative, looking around. Not very much of the outright glowing praise the first season got. Still, Hannibal got similar reviews for it's first season and that turned out to be

Oh definitely, it's worth the investment. I just see why people would be put off.

Could you link to one of those interviews? I don't remember them saying that.

Eh, it's better than nothing. The original was great but I'm invested enough in the story to want to see where it's going, even if they don't entirely stick to the plan.