Geder Palliako

C'mon man. Game of Thrones is one of the most relentlessly plot driven shows on air. They completely overturn the status quo every couple of seasons. Walking Dead has basically no plot at all, no real story to advance, just a trudge from one corner of Georgia to the next.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that HBO did not have a heavy hand at all. They barely have any say in how the show is made.

Adding a female character is definitely for the better. He seems to really have toned down all the mystical and horror elements this season though, and that was a key part of the appeal of the first season. And I can't help but think that's in part a response to all the speculation and then anger from fans about those

It's such a dick move that it can't help but colour my perception of the man. I guess Pizzolotto is going to become the Axl Rose of Television.

The other critic reviews aren't exactly glowing either. Of course I'll be judging it myself, but it doesn't inspire confidence.

Deadwood seems like more of an acquired taste than Game of Thrones personally, even if I love it. The highly stylised dialogue for one, is sure to turn some people off.

Oh nice, we're getting a new season of that?

Oh god. I definitely was glad when they cut down on those after the first season.

Yeah, Korder basically wrote the entirety of Season 4. Which I thought was very strong personally

I'm still bitter that Boardwalk Empire got cancelled for this. But I do like Ken Marino, so congrats to him!

Good luck! I did too a couple of months ago, it was rough. I was given the option of local anaesthetic or being put the sleep, but chose local like a moron. That shit wore off pretty fast and I was in agony.

That last flashback was hilarious. I seriously thought she was going to let him go despite her dramatic re-enactment

Counterpoint: Feast and Dance were very poor books that ruined the series, nuance or no. Overall, the Season was a vast improvement on those train wrecks, so I'm willing to forgive a few mistakes.

It seemed to me that Stannis basically realised all was lost and decided to commit suicide by battle. He lost Melisandre and half his army, he knew it was over.

I disagree. It's much better than the Season 3 finale, and Season 2 is the weakest. Qarth, Jon Snow and the Wildlings, Robb+Talisa romance.

No you're not the only one. I can't even think of what was CGI'd. People walking in the background? The tree?

Taylor Hawkins does have a pretty good voice

That he came back is what's most impressive for me. After only an hour! Fuck, I'd be bawling like a baby, even despite the morphine. What a guy

I agree. I was completely baffled by the decision. Her being sent away seemed a bit rushed in the first place, but then to make it have so little impact on the rest of the season too? It almost seemed like Lyonne had quit without warning and they had to throw something together at the last minute.

I think you've hut the nail on the head there. There isn't much dynamism or variety to Piper's character anymore (which I did think there was in Season 1), which would be fine if she receded entirely into the ensemble, but I'm still pretty sure she's getting the majority of the screen time. And everything with Piper