Geder Palliako

That too. Michelle is perfection. Partly because it throws a bone to us frenchies.

"But I did get Paul McCartney out of Wings"
"You idiot, he was the most talented one!"

I find most of it's lows at least listenable. Even Revolution No. 9 despite it's rep. It has some interesting sounds.

Maybe they're including the US albums? Which they shouldn't dammit!

It really is fantastic. But I think my favourite part of it is that it isn't only pure joy; that part of the middle 8 where they sing "I looooove you" sounds resigned in a way that tinges the song with melancholy.

I'd definitely pick "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" as one of the most skippable. It's not all that amusing, and it sounds overproduced and overstuffed with sound effects. It's not really endearingly goofy and catchy like Yellow Submarine or Octopus' Garden.

Best Episode Title: "Do Mail Robots Dream of Electric Sheep?"

I basically want shows I like to go on until I tire of watching them. That definitely applies for Community, despite the less consistent quality I'm still enjoying it.

Several things were stated in the comment you respond to. What is the no directed at? Assuming you aren't just trolling.

What do you mean, no?

I don't think so really. GRRM creates a bunch of characters whose sole purpose is to be raped to make the protagonist's feel bad. These characters often have no inner life or development at all. One of them is made a running joke for 3 books.

Dany is raped so many times after the first night she considers killing herself, not all that different there. The Jaime-Cersei is though.

Yeah, this. At no point have the show runners ever said it was consensual, but it seems like everyone thinks they did. In an interview Benioff said that Jaime forced himself on Cersei.

True, but in this case I think that note was held too long.

Ok, I don't think the character was bad per say. I just think he was too passive to be engaging as the central character of his storyline, and that he could be fairly one note.

He is quite reminiscent of Ned. But I think Jon has shown himself to be far more practical than Ned was, and that'll make the difference.

Here's hoping. I'm a huge Siddig fan and he's had a nice, cool presence in the 2 minutes he's been on screen.

When season 6 rolls around they should definitely consider it, especially since GRRM still won't have released book 6. That said, there's always going to be people using their book knowledge in show discussion, and that could be annoying, and I'm saying that as a book reader.

They have done incredible work rehabilitating Jon after his years of mopiness. They've made him active, revolutionary, pragmatic, he even has charisma now thanks to Kit Harington stepping up.

Dorne has essentially been a failure so far. Thankfully it's only taken up minimal screen time and so doesn't damage the season too much