Geder Palliako

Agreed with this. Outlander largely started out as trashy fun, but this…this was just straight up torture porn. The blood running down his thigh, just the sheer agony of it. The aftermath was handled as well as it could be, I guess, but none of this felt earned. Jamie has never seemed like more than a cypher to me.

That Dany scene rubbed me the wrong way in the books. She was a 13 year old girl sold to a man she'd never met, a man who had no real concept of consent. It seemed dishonest to me to make it consensual. Not to mention that Dany was raped by Drogo every night afterwards in the book, to the point where she considered

*adjusts glasses* Actually, Game of Thrones built a ship, which they use for most of their boat scenes.

I thing the worst ones are the "You'll never believe how ugly this child star is now!" ads

It's pretty great. If I have one complaint is that it could have done with some trimming. The songs kind of blend together after a while

My only impression: Green. This movie looks hella green. Even the snow looks green. Is green the colour associated with EXTREMEness now?

Just watched that episode! Sisko was a great Klingon

Except now she has a reason to get revenge on Littlefinger as well. That relationship is irreparably broken.

It seems early to be saying "Fuck you" to the show. As you say yourself, we can only assume where it's leading.

That wasn't ampersands criticism though, he was criticising using an abused girls rape and making it about the male characters, which GRRM unquestionably did with Jeyne Poole.

I never understood the complaints about the Dany wedding night scene. Dany was raped by Drogo so many times after that in the books that she considered suicide. And frankly, the wedding scene in the show is more honest. Drogo is a brutal man from a brutal culture and Dany had no choice either way.

You mean, exactly like GRRM did with Jeyne Poole? And if it was entirely about Ramsay and Theon, then why were most of the scenes beforehand about Sansa? The only part that didn't show her was when the rape was actually taking place, but even then you clearly hear her suffering.

Look, I get that it's a controversial issue, and that it's been poorly handled in the past, but we have no idea if there's no point to the scene. We haven't seen the aftermath, how it will effect Sansa and the plot. There's still a chance it could be well handled. Already the scene was as tasteful as something this

How can we tell there was no reason before we even see how it will effect the story?

Do you think you can wait till cryogenic technology brings GRRM back to life?

I would think so. It would be quite the coincidence otherwise.

4/1. He could still might win despite Melisandre.

One thing I really appreciated was Brienne's appeal to the kindness of the Starks with that villager. Ned made a lot of mistakes, and his honour did get him killed, but even after all this time the essential good nature of him and his family still can have an impact when it matters, even if it's something as small as

Maybe he gets killed by the Harpy. Or Daario perhaps? Though he doesn't seem the jealous type

Yes, Stannis seems to genuinely believe in the White Walker threat. But I can't help but think they've set him up for utter ruin, between bringing his daughter and wife with him despite Davos' warnings, and giving his fleet to the Night's Watch, and his further humanisation this season. I don't know if this show is