Geder Palliako

Uh, why? I'd say it's the worst episode of television I've ever seen

Fair enough, though I generally take for granted that those movies are terrible. With Avatar it's a reasonable world view ruined with sledgehammer subtlety and oversimplification.

Something I picked up on during my 8th 3D IMAX viewing, was that the military guy wasn't just doing his job, he hated the Naavi because they were different! Needless to say I hugged the first non-white person I saw afterwards.

My favourite part was when the bad guys blew up that big tree while sad music played. Really made me think

But Avatar also brought us such cutting insights as "the military-industrial complex is bad!". Clearly the superior movie.

It's definitely quite a ponderous movie, but it's got enough atmosphere and a solid enough performance from Costner to make up for it.

The Anus Allocutions were surprisingly tasteful

Fair Enough! I think I misread the tone. I admit to being too dismissive.

I don't think her advisers have been kissing her ass. Hizdahr keeps telling her she's wrong to not re-open the fighting pits. Daario told her she was wrong repeatedly. Barristan was a bit soft at times, but even he keeps telling her to be more merciful, and told her about her father in an attempt to rein her in. All

I know the purpose of these is to be snarky rather than making reasonable points, but the stabbings were necessary

Not a surprising move. What they were doing before was insanity. Especially the way they sent out screeners so easily this year. That said, I still think GRRM is the one who leaked the episodes.

I think it's because they're battlefield troops, they haven't been trained to fight in dark alleys and tunnels. And I think they're more famous for their discipline than their extraordinary fighting skills.

When Barristan steps in at the end, man, I got chills. Hope he isn't dead, but at least he took down a bunch of the fuckers.

"You are Princess Shireen of the House Baratheon, and you are my daughter"
I'm not crying, it's just raining on my face

Hey, raptors in the grass! and uh, the RV falling off the cliff! and…I guess that's pretty much it

I always enjoy combing over a good pun thread

Trigger Cut?

I also appreciate such black music artists as you listed. Joaquin Phoenix is my favourite such musician

But I heard from a highly respected source that it was the future of comedy

Sigh. Yes he is. He'll probably die horribly. Same with Shireen