Geder Palliako

True, but even that isn't close to how important Sansa is to the Boltons when it comes to the North.

Yeah, but those people didn't matter. Sansa is pretty damn important.

I think his dad is smart enough not to let him do that. Ramsay is still scared shitless of him

You're not the only one. It definitely made me more weary of Margaery, but I think she was smart enough to realise that she needed to move quickly now that Tywin was dead so Cersei couldn't fuck things up for her.

Hey, pandering to a religious fundamentalist minority always works out in real life!

Next you'll say you aren't into elderly BDSM delivered by fanatics either.

I'm torn on that one, because I don't want her to kill Stannis or his crew before they get the chance to kick some Bolton ass

I can't agree with this grade. Thought it was a fantastic episode, best of the three so far.

Yeah, the wave of imitators that Lost bred were pretty terrible. The Event, Flashforward, Haven.

It's terrible. And the twist makes it even more terrible. And it's already been cancelled after 6 episodes. Definitely not worth watching.

I got that it was a joke.

The Expanse would sorta qualify as that I guess.

Sweet Home Alabama
Where the crops glow blue

Well, it'll be tough to beat 80s classics like Everybody's Rockin and Trans, that's for sure.

SyFy is making a bit of a comeback I feel. 12 Monkeys is a solid show, and they're taking risks with their adaptation of Childhood's End and The Expanse.

I'm on the fence about this. On the one hand, GMO's have saved a multitude of lives.

I'm pretty new here, so I was wondering; is "Great Job, Internet" meant to be sarcastic?

Probably because Pycelle is super creepy.

The Night's Watch election was overly long and boring. It involved a bunch of politicking between characters we'd never met before, and the outcome was obvious from the beginning.

I really loved that scene, but I couldn't help but think that he was as outraged by her moves as he was by the fact that a woman dared to speak to him in such a way.