Geder Palliako

I wonder, did he return because Dany proved herself as a leader and took a hardline decision with the slave? Maybe Dragons respect such things.

"Bear Island knows no King but the King in the North, whose name is Stark"

It would take a miracle for this season to be worse than the filler fests that are Feast and Dance

Shireen's Reading Rainbow should be a spinoff show

Can't wait for all the For Your Considerations about the show's rape, violence and misogyny!

There were villains in that movie?

Now that is a scorching hot take

Stephen Dillane is 58, I think that qualifies. And yes, he's hot.

True, but why not just lie to Robert about it? He would never have found out, and Varys could have just said the assassin failed.

Not entirely. It may antagonise Stannis, but it'll win him the favour of the Wildlings, which is also important.

Nudity in general was unequal in past seasons, not just full frontal. This was a significant step forward, not that dick wouldn't be welcome.

That's what The Hound and Jaime have been saying these past few seasons. There's too many oaths for anyone to properly fulfil, and most knights are just dicks.

Yeah, I find Sam and Gilly endearingly pathetic as a couple

His plan is bit odd though. Didn't he send that assassin to kill Dany back in Season 1? I guess it could have been a deliberately terrible assassin, but it still seems like a big risk.

Her threatening her friend at the beginning was what gave it away for me

The big difference for me, is that Jon is starting to act rather than just react to things, and at a time that's ripe for drama with Stannis and his forces having arrived at the Wall. With Mance he took a situation into his own hands rather than following orders as he would have done in the first three seasons. I

So glad he's not in this season. I get that he's important, but I'll take as little of him as I can get. Sorry Hodor

She hasn't brought it up very often.

Though, how do you even react to such a bizarre conversation? Not surprised he didn't have anything to say in response.

That was a short glimpse of her though, whereas the camera lingered over Olyvar and Loras, and continued to do so while Margaery watched. Not to mention Daario as well.