Geder Palliako

Or seducing them. Both equally effective.

I didn't think so. It seemed to me that they mostly set new things up and followed up on what happened before.

That was fun! People have been asking for gender equal nudity, the show delivered. Hopefully they keep it up.

It's the first flashback! Quite a big deal for a show that's rigidly avoided them so far

It's a shame he died now I think, because his scenes in the Season 4 finale and in this one were actually good, especially compared to before where I forgot he existed as soon as he left the screen

The show does have a tendency to recast, I was worried there for a second

Young Cersei was perfect casting. Got all the bitchy mannerisms down

All religious fanatics are alike, but they aren't nearly as brutal as ISIS yet.

>There's no real indication why Cersi backs his ascension, other than she's desperate to regain power and is seeking out a new ally…

I think it ruins Cersei's relationship with Tyrion to retcon it and make it all about a prophecy. Her hating him because she thinks he killed her mother and other more human reasons is better.

Cut, because it's terrible.

So? Is torturing a man to death not a dark act regardless?

Still a very dark act

Doesn't that pretty much describe Dany's Season 4 story line though? One episode was pretty much her creating a new policy for Dragon related collateral damage.

Thing is, we already had plenty of stuff about the effect of war on the peasants. Arya's chapters in ACOK and ASOS, Jaime's chapters in ASOS. The point had repeatedly been made.

Well, he presumably tortured that sorcerer to death.

Why does anyone care about Arianne? All she does is fail and whine. She's in 4 chapters across 2 books.

Wrong about the Trystane thing. In Season 2 they say Trystane is the "Youngest son of House Martell", which would include Oberyn and Doran. If you're going to nitpick, at least get it right bro.

It definitely gives Margaery a big leg up in their battle. All she could do in the books was be Tommen's cool aunt who lets him stay up and eat pizza.

That's the problem with re-reading. At one point I almost started to like Quentyn's story line. That's when I put the book down.