Geder Palliako

Michael Slovis did great work on Breaking Bad I believe.

Thing is, Jaime doesn't act much like an 18th century man in the rest of his scenes, then he all of a sudden becomes period accurate?

Good on him, that Wiener kid seriously sucks.

Counterpoint: Rubber Soul has Run For Your Life

But you have to take into account that this was a BLACK person. BLACK!

I always liked Jake Sisko. DS9 had the best child characters. I never would have thought a Ferenghi like Nog could make me cry, and Jake's relationship with his father was pretty great.

That seems undeserved. I mean, I love the Wire, but there's always hours that are mostly setup early in the season.

Yeah. There's few shows I enjoy watching more than Mad Men, but I never feel any compunction to watch it live, and can wait years before watching the latest seasons. It's odd. Maybe because it's largely low stakes storytelling, albeit very well-written low stakes storytelling.

Been trying to get into Person of Interest, but man, season 1 just really sucks so far. Mel Gibsons Jesus just seems incredibly bored all the time too. I do hear it eventually get's good though.

I feel the same way. It's often very contrived, and a lot of the arcs just don't work for me (Will becoming like Hannibal, for example). Even the dreamy atmosphere get's tired after a while. Seriously, how many sequences about deer monsters does a show need?

Walking Dead is good maybe 1 in every 5 episodes, which is just enough to make you keep watching.

Is Stanley the woman that accused Mathew Wiener of creeping on Kiernan Shipka?

There we have it. The greatest episode title of any show ever.

Yeah, like pretty much the entirety of Arya and Jaime's chapters in ASOS.

Jaime, a loving a family man? He says that Joffrey and the rest of his kids don't mean a damn to him.

I wouldn't go that far. He's an integral part of the show, but he's only there like 1 in 8 scenes.

I have no earthly idea what you mean

What an odd comment

Where the Streets Have No Name is a beautiful song, shouldn't be anywhere near this list.

Paralytic Stalks seemed, I dunno, kind of sludgy? Everything sort of ran together in this kind of soupy mix that didn't work for me.