
I’m concerned she might get typecast as an actor who can play many different roles.

Star if you prefer Killjoys

I never really enjoyed the Stargate movie. It was this fantastic ancient device that could take the characters anywhere with a horde of possibilities.

1. That has only been done with herbicides and those herbicides are not dangerous to humans in levels present in food. Furthermore, while increased herbicide use is something to keep an eye on, there is zero evidence that it is more harmful to the environment than the agriculture that would take place without such

It does make people with a chronic lack of imagination and a rather sociopathic parsimony reveal themselves on the internet, so there’s that. There’s also finding how genes map to fully formed organism’s morphology, which, with a small amount of imagination, has numerous applications.

It can’t be said enough just how much Chris Evans kills it as Captain America. Even moreso than Downey as Stark, Evans might be the single best casting choice in any Marvel film.

No it’s not a privilege in a legal sense but it’s a cultural privilege that gives one group of people a societal advantage over another. It exists and it's real and people are disadvantaged over circumstances they had no control over.

You shut your whore mouth about Sleepy Hollow! It's nonsense story & plot is SO infinitely better than Gotham's nonsense story & plot because while they're both utterly nonsensical, at least the leads in Sleepy Hollow are likeable & charming & awesome & acknowledge how nonsensical it all is.

You’re welcome, medical science:

Requiem for a Dream.

You are implying here that an invention is something arbitrary and provincial; I do not think that is the case. Inventions are ultimately nothing more and nothing less than the product of man’s intelligence combined with a particular environment and the resources it bears (be they geological, biological, social,

If one person is making decisions about his or her relationships based on this sort of criteria, then the other party should flee screaming. Breaking off what might otherwise be a successful and fullfilling relationship with another human because they don’t like the same movies as you is beyond ridiculous. Pop culture

There are two awful problems with what you're saying.

Andrew, it's outright wrong to claim that extolling the virtues of a powerful empire over divided nations is "modern", or that Tolkien would never have thought of it. That's just ignorant, I'm sorry, it really is.

Actually it was never the Palestinian's land. Historical/archaeological evidence shows that Jews had been there long before anyone else. Also, any land that was gained by Israel after the split was due to their stellar defense against the Arabs during the Six-Day War.

I support Israel to defend itself. As a Jewish person, I'm sick of the fighting on both sides. I'm sure there are Palestinians who feel the same way and just want to live their lives. But I know this will never end and it's all thanks to some fairy tale books (sorry, the truth hurts) written by man, i.e. my god is

Never. There will always be those who need to think that they have a special relationship with someone/something of unlimited power who takes a personal interest in them.