
Yeah Justice League was quite terrible but...

All the other meats also come from the commercial food supply you know, not just pork. You can trust them because they are regulated. Sure, outbreaks happen, but when is the last time you heard of a trichinosis outbreak? Ecoli on the other hand, cant even trust your lettuce, better to cook that to well done. Just to

I dunno, if someone stood in front of me and flipped me off for several minutes they should expect an ass kicking. Maybe in the future try not to confuse the progressive left with one guy punching another guy for flipping him off. And you’re welcome.

Apparently you do not understand how free speech works. Let me help you out - the federal government was not involved here, so there is no free speech issue to cry about. The left is not dead, it’s alive and kicking... and punching people in the nose for being racist douchebags.

Looks like this guy was only hired last year and Dead Cells is his first review as an editor. Lulz. 

You should check out (if you havent already) Your Inner Fish, by Neil Shubin, excellent 3 hour doc on evolution.

Lol, noooo...

And yet the evidence suggests otherwise...

Edgy article is edgy, Deadpool was good fun, maybe not all it was cracked up to be but still, good fun. Vey much looking forward to DP2.

lol whatever.

Hells to the yes. Nicely put.

This movie was almost unwatchable to me, ironically the only thing I liked was Leto’s Joker and Robbie’s HQ, the rest was just a mess.

I have to wonder how many people who watch these shows and then use words like ‘sucked’ and ‘hated’ are bringing excess baggage from the comics. As far as TV worth my time watching, and knowing next to nothing about the comics, I think the marvel netflix shows are better than alot of stuff out there. Personally I do

Just from that blurb it seems to me he is taking a poke at bands like say maroon 5 or one direction rather than music made by ‘girls’. Analogous to one guy saying to another, do they sell men’s clothes where you got that shirt?

thats not how confirmation bias works.

Ironically, eliminating legal abortion results in another type of slavery.

My wife’s mini cooper S comes with runflats, no spare, back in 09 they were pretty expensive but now not so much. Yes she’s still driving it, loves it.

So... where did the being with advanced tech and intelligence come from?

Pretty sure there was a mention of new legs possible but not on his income or something like that.

No, you don’t know shit, try not to confuse the two. Yes, that just happened.