W. B. Geats

*cosmic brain*

That's why I eat the cow instead.

I hope you're fermenting this low hanging fruit.

They're basically all Roald Dahl body types.

I can't wait for Nick Mullen's Pod Save NYC Guido Voice.

And they didn't follow his eye line to the building for an answer until it finally cut to Nora under the sprinklers. Crazy tense.

Of course they have and they were assholes. And I don't think Colbert should be fired he just shouldn't be defended for shitty, unfunny jokes.

Financial services comes to mind.

Tucker Carlson is a homophobe though.

I'm pretty surprised people are uniformly defending the joke on here. If he'd made a joke about Obama's mouth being the cockholster for [insert lobbying industry here] it would not be well received.

That's not how the Firth works!

Yeah, the DNC has a lot of issues but they aren't why Sanders lost.

Jill Stein is… not good, and I voted Sanders in the primary and Clinton in the general. On the other hand, I don't think Sarandon refusing to endorse Clinton played a role in Trump winning MI, WI and PA.

I think accelerationism is dumb as hell but otherwise agree with her on pretty much everything.

I think this is kind of overblown because "fuck" and "cocksucker" and pretty much all the other swear words they used on the show were at least in use by the Civil War and most of them at least appeared in the early 19th century. But we also swear way more now, so who knows exactly how frequently they did use them on

I assumed you were clowning and this was just going to link to Paul Ryan's IG.

*wipes away single tear, posts article about how hillary clinton is a globalist hologram who did pizzagate*

E.T. email home

I Witnessed JonBenet's Murder
*it was hillary*

Simultaneously MSNBC's execs are trying to move it to the right which would be an awesome plan except for the part where their viewers are like fuck that.