W. B. Geats


He's just trapped in a quantum state where this is his method prep for playing a retired actor.

I don't think it is at all. Our military is larger than the next 8 biggest military powers in terms of expenditures, we are the largest economy by almost double the next single nation (China rather than EU), and have been engaged in non-stop war for 16 years.

The whole Mensch/Abramson crew on Twitter is vile. Imagine thinking that the people who produced some of the best art of the 19th/20th centuries are incapable of joy.

It's not xenophobic to dislike Putin/United Russia. But I am seeing a lot of very anti-Russian sentiment (which doesn't distinguish between the people and the government) coming from quarters that are usually quick to criticize other forms of xenophobia.

Also, I feel like it isn't dissonant to say Putin's United Russia is a bad, right-wing oligarchy and that the US is an incredibly barbaric hegemonic power.

I think his best movies were his Vietnam flicks and Salvador, and I don't think those were particularly naive. Almost all his later stuff I'm pretty indifferent about though.

I mean, Oliver Stone would have kill a few million more to turn into Kissinger.

I actually prefer them jumping around locations and also sticking closer to the FWWM tone than the original series' soapier tone. But obviously ymmv.

Wow it's a real sea change when Wolfenstein games involve shooting Nazis in the face.

“social liberal, fiscal conservative”

Facts don't care about your filings.

Haven't cried since the last time I slow danced to Otis Redding with an ex, now to take a big sip of my beer and watch The Leftovers

Ah yes, when they go low we go hig *slips on banana peel, hand gets stuck in cookie jar, loses balance, flies through plate glass window*

Alex… rethink this

I liked his bodyguard saying no one would go "to those lengths" to gain access.

It's hilarious to watch The Leftovers and Twin Peaks back to back and then… Silicon Valley.

It's like these dipshits want to be first up against the wall.

I'll only listen to DeRay's podcast if he tries to sell me Hormel® Black Label® bacon products.

early 2016: Bernie!
late 2016: Clinton!
early 2017: The Rock!
late 2017: Anyone in the neighborhood of sentience!