W. B. Geats

Fox News is all about selling conservatives as a persecuted, oppressed class and I guess that's a less interesting pitch when they're holding the levers in every branch of government.

My name's Seb Gorka and I'm here to say
the Dragon of Budapest will rise some day

My name's Steve Bannon and I'm here to say
Eugenics and phrenology are A-OK

The whole series was building up to Carrie Coon and Regina King on a trampoline.

It was the best scene in the whole show. Also, no, I've never ripped on a season of TV I've never watched.

lol want to die

lol Alex Jones is amazing. He's like Capt. Ahab, sprung fully formed from the head of America.

I mostly liked it, but every time Kurt Metzger showed up to bloviate about stupid shit I wanted to physically assault him.

I thought the Mr. Juice stuff was one of the funnier recurring bits, especially the last time he met OJ.

She deserves it for being a Ted Cruz supporter.

They should recast Being John Malkovich with someone other than Malkovich but leave the name and never explain it.

Don't agree at all. All it takes is insanely poisonous ideology or profit potential and smart motherfuckers take out their phrenology calipers and start measuring skulls.

No one is gonna clown as hard on Bannon as Deadspin's Burneko when he called him: "Wet Bag Of Cigarette Butts That Thinks It’s Judge Holden"

I'm guessing Eazy is joking


That's a pretty low bar. Neither did the Never Trump people and lots of them are turning out to be good soldiers.


“It’s my job, it’s my life. Without that, I feel lost. When your outlet is taken away from you, when your catharsis is stripped from you, and you don’t understand why and you’re so disappointed and you’re so blindsided by it, it hurts.”

His website "issues" page is Cormac McCarthy's Child of God

Give him the chairmanship of the Knox County GOP!