W. B. Geats

"Sure, people are, increasingly, mad online"

Makes me think of the (bad) feminists' praise that the captain of the ship that launched the cruise missiles at Syria was a woman.

I suspect that overbooking is a policy exacerbated by the massive monopolization of airlines in this country. It's actually a huge problem outside the simple fact that sometimes they'll beat your ass and drag you down the aisle.

The funny thing is that the flight wasn't even overbooked. It was full and they decided to kick four people off for staff.

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever."

There's an positive linear correlation between how much someone fantasizes about being rugged individualist John Wayne in an early John Ford movie and the degree to which they want to fellate authority figures.

Yeah, Pinochet was big on it and it also popped up in El Salvador and Colombia in the 80s. Presumably in the era of disappearances a lot of it didn't get recorded in any way. It's grim stuff.

They are specifically associated with killing communists since they were most prominently used in the Argentine Dirty War (hence the alt-right memes about giving leftists helicopter rides), but yeah they were a feature of the Algerian war and under Mobutu. Can't find any references to Soviets doing them.

Really? I thought the death flights thing was mostly US backed right wing governments in Argentina and other South American countries.

You have a new U2 track that showed up on your iPhone!

I got a pork rectum notification for this?

Even the Democrats are barely pushing back outside of process complaints regarding AUMF!

Serial plagiarizer and chronic idiot Fareed Zakaria also seized the moment on TV last night.

Vox spent years trying to pitch Paul Ryan as a policy wonk wunderkind, so their chiding assessment of how the media covers Trump and the right wing is hard to take seriously.

SEAL Team Ricks

97 years morty!

It looks like a well-coiffed version of this Judge Holden fan art

I'll go with Obama on this one after careful consideration.

I think Steve Jones' rhythm and tone on the record alone is worth the price of admission.

Nah, Never Mind the Bollocks is a great fucking record.