W. B. Geats

I thought we were free associating


Toynbee wasn't an explicit anti-semite as far as I'm aware (could be wrong), but he was definitely a dumbass with regard to Hitler in the pre-war period and had some really weird Christian heritage stuff going on. I don't take him seriously as a historian.

"4chan has already begun sharing the images. There is some human decency on that site…"

I actually had a conversation with a libertarian/classical liberal who insisted the FDA should not regulate meat and we should just criminally prosecute people who sold tainted beef once someone died. I just blinked at him for a while.

Say what you want about the tenets of libertarianism, at least it's an ethos.

He's a gamer-American.

Tit McTitface

There is no divorce -
it is a case of wife or not.
My wife left me.

My mom ran into Jeane Kirkpatrick in a grocery store line, and told Kirkpatrick that she hope Salvadoran ghosts haunt her until she dies.

I mean, he was a crack dealer before he became famous so it's not like he had a bright future ahead of him.

I think the whole Newswire-specific commenting system overhaul is due to Great Job Internet staff fifth columnists. GJI is good now.

I mean, Bradbury mostly wrote Fahrenheit because he was a grumpy guy who didn't like TV and thought it made people stupid.


“In politics after Donald Trump, nothing is crazy any longer. We’re in the third dimension here,’’ GOP political consultant Luis Alvarado says.

"This function allows you to see both comments and the article at the same time"

In conclusion, the trial was a land of contrasts.

"Meanwhile, executive producer Jo Miller tells The New York Times that it issued another apology to Coddington and his family, and that it would be donating to the GoFundMe established to help him with his treatment."

Now for a big sip of coffee from my "I don't like change" mug before I log on to AV Clu-

Look, I know we're all angry but I don't think that's a fair punishment for Teti.