W. B. Geats

“Go to your local hood and grab a kid and get a mentorship going, so that we can stop putting our kids in the prison pipeline. That’s how you show your love for The Wire, because those stories are based on real people.”

It feels like they are solving a problem that doesn't exist.

*logs on*

There have been polling problems for a few cycles now, and the consultant/committee world is starting to push for more qual which is way overdue. Focus groups are useful. That said you don't need any kind of data at all to know that telling a motivated volunteer to buzz off is stupid!

Signs aren't much of an indicator of anything other than volunteer enthusiasm, but folks, this is bad as hell:

We should all reflect on how these are the headlines we deserve.

So like Bushwick.

Clumsily executed is right.

You're so tiresome.

"Sorry, I meant drinking blood. He was drinking blood."

Oh I'm sorry I thought this was America

I really think the movie came from Laura Poitras's perspective, and she admires him.

You're better off watching Citizenfour for sure.

Most of us on the left here in the US are very anti Trump and are really more with the Sanders wing of the party. That's why I specified accelerationist leftist for Sarandon since she and a minority of other leftists think things need to get worse before they get better. Personally I think that's a dangerous road.

Generally leftists are closer to socialism/communism and liberals are closer to classical liberalism (i.e. free market supply side stuff).

I think if there's been one inter-Democratic-party takeaway for me over the last year or so, it's that a lot of liberals don't understand that there are people to their left.

Sarandon is an accelerationist leftist, so not really a liberal in the way most people use it in the states, and it's sort of hilarious how angry she makes everyone.

While we're on whistleblower dramas, I wish no one had touched the Snowden story for a while. Citizenfour was fucking great and the Stone movie looked like a Lifetime financed Citizenfour remake with that motion-smoothing soap opera effect.

I almost literally ran into him last year, and just said "hey chance," since I didn't want to bug him for a selfie or autograph or whatever. He stopped, asked my name and we bullshitted for a couple minutes.

“If the president walked across the Potomac, the media would report that he couldn’t swim.”