W. B. Geats

There are two hard and fast rules of online politics:

"See the child. And then the murders begin" is already how I describe Blood Meridian to the uninitiated.

Logan and Get Out!

I hope so! I think it's healthy for there to be genre drop-offs and revivals tbh. Like it was probably a good thing that the western lied fallow after Unforgiven for a little while.

It's awesome that we seem to be in a western and horror revival phase, and that people are doing pretty non-traditional stuff with both genres. Not sure if I've ever seen a horror audience as engaged as they were in Get Out.

Hard to recall the last weekend with a better movie theater line-up than Logan and Get Out. It's rare for me to see more than a movie per month in theaters but I saw these back to back and it was really worth it.

The claws to the back of the head coming out the face. Holy shit.

He got better.

Joey: "Shane, Come back!"
Shane: "OK."

I loved it unconditionally, but in my case I really dig westerns and don't generally like superhero movies so YMMV.

They should go back to classic films and add post-credit scenes. In The Searchers John Wayne comes back to the doorway because he forgot his keys.

I honestly doubt it's that premeditated. He's just insanely mad online.

Tinker, Tailor, Moron, Spy sucks.

I mean, they drowned regardless of the reasoning.

I'll be enraged about it until the day I die. Spent 3 months cleaning up in Grand Isle and NO immediately after Katrina/Rita, and I saw a single FEMA unit the whole time.

No he isn't. Trump hasn't invaded anyone yet or left thousands to drown. That may change but it hasn't yet.

You cannot end the conversation about Bush without mentioning Katrina.

He definitely does it on the regular. I share your complaints about the direction of the site (i.e. away from TV recaps) but I don't see how Ricky complaining about Trump articles and his other hang ups has any positive effect.

Could happen I guess but it's been a good year and a half of endless Trump coverage and it's still driving viewership/clicks, so I'm not optimistic.

If digital advertising revenue is driven by clicks, and more people click the Trump articles, they're going to write more of them, no?