W. B. Geats

I believe it's < spoiler > < / spoiler >

Dude, tag that shit!

"Of course, if Peele is really smart, he’ll find a way to tie these movies together into a cohesive cinematic universe."

Hey now, he's got a master's from Cracker Barrel.

Never ever respect media pundits. The reason they fawned over that speech is because they prioritize civility politics over policy outcomes and believe that the worst thing about Trump is that he's rude rather than a legitimate threat to residents here and people abroad. They literally think that norm-breaking is the

We basically did this last cycle.

My Australian shepherd would've beaten Trump.

USERS: Anime Nazis are sending me gas chamber memes.
TWITTER SUPPORT: How about silencing Twitter eggs?

"Faye Dunaway—either the Jackie Kennedy or the Lee Harvey Oswald of the situation, depending on your interpretation…"

I'm uncomfortable with the "dog" tag at the bottom of the Newswire.

We've entered the weird twilight where Republicans pretend Bush never existed and some Democrats are lauding him.

"Along those lines, Trump added that he would give his presidency an 'A' for achievement so far, alongside an 'A-plus' for effort. Still, he humbly admitted he only deserved a 'C'—or maybe 'C-plus'—for communication."

dril got a Disqus account

I'm extremely here for X-Men: The Last of Us.

The Crash win suddenly makes sense.

What a goddamn beautiful song.

Lol, no. I hated the Yemen policy under Obama as well and was not a huge fan of most of his foreign (or even really domestic) policies.

McCain is fine with children in Yemen getting vaporized at funerals and poor people being turned into protein powder for Paul Ryan, but if you say a positive word about Putin you've gone too far, sir.

That John McCain sucks is maybe the one issue where there's no daylight between Hannity and me.

Yeah, those people are stupid.