W. B. Geats

She didn't even advertise in WI until Week 1 of the general election and she lost by ~23,000 votes. Demographics aren't destiny.

I'm working on a fan fic piece where she campaigns in Wisconsin.

I'd just like to offer the next humble step for after he gets fired from Breitbart: fire him into the sun.

You know right now some fucking nerd centrist pundits are writing up their "actually, when Milo's life collapses around him, that's good for him" takes.

I guessed that when I first heard about the video, but when I watched the thing myself and in full it was extremely obvious that he wasn't joking.

a) Milo's immoral not amoral
b) "To give Yiannopoulos the benefit of the doubt…" the fuck outta here with that.

I'll spend a month in Malmö if Paul Joseph Watson spends a month in Milo's basement.

—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth…

I take FJM as an example of extreme internet irony poisoning, and don't listen to much of his music, but I thought his Taylor Swift via Lou Reed clap back to Ryan Adams was hilarious.

Nah, Mumford and Sons isn't interesting enough to be the worst band of all time.

If we could create a 24/7 365 days a year campaign simulation, Trump would be perfectly happy to go off and do that instead of gov-

Steve Miller should be fired into the sun.

That other fresher corpse? Steve Miller.

Settle down Coetzee.

David Schwimmer as Monica Lewinsky.

You'd be surprised by how many "ironic" and "sort-of-kidding" fascists there turned out to be when Berlin fell to the Soviets.

Ciccariello-Maher even addresses Nazi punching, arguing that “the question is not whether or not it’s okay to punch a Nazi, the question is whether or not it’s okay to be a Nazi. And if you’ve made that decision, consequences follow.”

I don't doubt that he's a greedy fuck, but he does have an ideological thesis: the 21st century is and will be a massive struggle between Judeo-Christian nationalism (he calls it the "church militant") and the forces of cosmopolitan globalists, Chinese state capitalism and "Islamic fascism."

He should do a feature with Eli "Luv da police/Hug da police/we need em cause we bleedin from these bangers in the street/that's my attitude/show cops gratitude" Lake