W. B. Geats

Bannon is a human liver spot.

Yeah, I uses ISIS exclusively because that seems to be the term that stuck in America, even though the gov't uses ISIL sometimes. Most of my middle eastern friends say Daesh, and spell it lower case for whatever reason (I hear acronyms are not very common in Arabic), but that makes sense.

IMO it's kind of like how people took to referring to the German acronym NSDAP and shortened it to Nazi from the German. The National Socialists didn't like the term. But you're right that it doesn't materially change anything

It's just the Arabic acronym for ISIS/ISIL, so I'm fine with it. It'd be like calling the USSR the CCCP or something.

"The events that defendant describes on June 21st 2016, that I called a transgender waitress F*GGOT NEVER HAPPENED"

extremely on brand.

Published in the 23 minutes before nuclear annihilation:

One of the stations they hacked was Mother of the Redeemer Radio 103.5 in Evansville, IN. I hope they opened with a Python "and now, for something completely different" sample.

Now I am become Darth Jar Jar, destroyer of worlds

This reminds me of the Chapo Trap House bit where they hypothesize that conservatives generally aren't funny because they get too mad.

It's like, if you are a self-acknowledged centrist (or worse a self-delusional centrist) and you call the people on your left "alt-left," maybe they're actually just leftists.

I am seriously convinced that aside from an occupying military power, not getting laid is the most common precondition for radicalization.

I'm a fan of the 90s era Vanity Fair/Texas Monthly style true crime, but to be honest I think it's just as prurient as other forms of true crime just dressed up a bit.

I'm finally getting around to Roth's The Plot Against America.

When I think of a hoot I think of Cicero, IL.

On the other hand it would also be good business if a broader swathe of Americans had any kind of purchasing power, financial security or disposable income whatsoever, and that doesn't seem to have made a difference in their practices.

If we can laugh at real Nazis getting punched and crying, we can laugh at fake Nazis getting shot and dying.

Trump’s inauguration is a nightmarish hellscape in Vic Berger’s latest video

It is however a delicious metaphor.
