W. B. Geats

MiM Strats are great and possibly one of the best deals in electric guitars. I have a MiA strat and a MiM fat strat and I actually prefer the Mexican one.

The Chapo/Rapaport beef is one of the greatest things to have ever happened on the internet.

God, as a dual national (US/France) I don't think my heart could take a Trump/Le Pen world.

It's definitely not. First punch was to his ear from his right side, this one is to his chin. Also Spencer himself said he got punched twice.

Counterpoint: randomly starting fires is good.

Columbia wisely had Bob cut out the song's subtitle, "Because Such Is The Nature Of Linear Time."

He literally sings that line.

The reality is that the GOP platform has been Lovecraftian for a long time. And while Trump's personal repulsiveness is unique, these dickwads like Ryan have wanted to turn poor people into protein powder for their p90x workout routines for as long as I've lived.

At a point in time in which the CBO is estimating that 18M people (including many children) will lose health care in the first year of repeal, the fact that Dems are arguing amongst ourselves about whether or not it's appropriate to make fun of Barron or to punch a Nazi is fucking obscene.

I liked when Piers called for a men's march (presumably to family courts worldwide to defend fathers' rights) and that one dude tweeted a Google Maps march path that led off the Westminster Bridge and into the Thames.

I liked Machester too, but would've been fine (actually preferred it) if Chris Pine got nominated for Hell or High Water.

Buzzfeed ran a really interesting piece about how the Parker case sank him while Affleck was able to more or less shrug and move on. Skin color was part of it, but not all, and I think they broke it down well here:

hog is haram af

I think Streep wildly overacts most of the time, but sometimes it just works, like in Doubt where her overwrought piety kind of makes her character.


That would be an extremely good combination of styles that I'd never considered. Over the Garden Wall is the shit and I recommend it to everyone.

On the one hand, he's gonna be relevant for at least 4 and probably 8 years anyway, since he's the president.

I guess it isn't all that surprising that a software engineer created a Chrome extension.

Kind of surprised that Weiner didn't get a doc nomination, especially considering subsequent events last year.

"Racist genie, you're free" - Chris Brown