W. B. Geats

At a certain point one has to acknowledge that "political correctness" just means "something I don't like," as all manner of political ideologues try to get each other fired for saying shit on the internet.

The alt-right was circulating photos of the guy with his mask partially down, showing his glasses and mustache, and some trolls told them it was Carl Diggler (Virgil Texas and Felix Biederman's parody pundit). The alt-righters spent a good amount of Sunday trying to get Diggler arrested.

Look, just wait for Barron to grow up. If he turns into a Nazi, then you can punch him.

Shot: "Sprint shares our view of revolutionizing the creative industry to allow artists to connect directly with their fans and reach their fullest, shared potential."

starring Tom Hanks

"apparently despite this long-standing affection for them [Spicer] thinks the iconic 'helmet' thing is trite"

My favorite Spencer meme so far is The Boys Are Back in Town remix:

Me, sober minded, civil pundit: when has violence ever defeated fascism?

I remember running into Sasha and Malia with their dad in a bookstore in Feb 2008 and now I get the whole extended family "you used to be this tall!!" bit.

Christ. A lack of protest symbols isn't the problem.

Well YOU'RE not invited to my spirit cooking dinner with Podesta and the staff of Comet Ping Pong

*DJ Khaled starts tweeting*
Trump admin: I fear we've awakened a sleeping giant.

This is the least stupid thing about today.

After reading this I'm kind of thinking wearing black IS something to do today.

Get involved with your county's Dem apparatus. Work your precinct. We need the 50 state strategy and if D party leadership isn't there yet (they aren't), we do it ourselves.

The kids are alright.

Have Oscar the Grouch killed

Whatever Marty McFly is doing at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner is working.

By monetizing it on a vast industrial scale!

I hope the Rockettes perform to Rains of Castamere.