W. B. Geats


Life of Papua New Guinea

Also if he were inaugurated with no musical acts performing, just him, it'd still be a better inaugural line up.

As a member of fake, non-traditional America, I'm also disappointed that we won't get our stolen valor parade and the ISIS float.

"The questionable quote… comes from the chairman of Trump’s Presidential Inauguration Committee, Tom HUSSEIN Barrack"

Tangential but linguistically related, according to Google's top search Schwarzenegger means "harrower of the dark fields" or "dark harrower of the fields" which is metal af.

Best and most ironic part of that song is when the father who fears flying says goodbye to his children and dies in a plane crash, leaving them fatherless.

I hope Old Yeller didn't do his stunt.

Cory Booker is a woke Republican.


See his messaging re: companies that have retained some jobs stateside over the last couple months of Obama's administration.


“we don’t want your tiny hands / anywhere near our underpants.”

It's going to be awkward when he runs into Sen. Richard Burr.

I have to say, after the embarrassing kid glove treatment that Sessions received, it was nice to see Dems bring some firepower during the DeVos hearing.

That's me, longtime D staffer and congressional aide who loves Donald Trump.

I guess my thing is that I don't care all that much about what the IC or a bunch of NatSec dorks think.

Woods is not mad online or seeking a safe space, he's just suing a dead man who insulted him on Twitter for $10M dollars.

Never take your secretary furniture shopping.

"with Baio adding that 'it’s not about safe spaces and wearing a safety pin and hugging a puppy.'"