W. B. Geats

Also, conservatism embraces the idea that the invisible hand of the market will crush some people and that's OK, whereas center liberalism at least has to contend with the left, which doesn't think market forces are some sort of immutable reality.

Eh, the same impulse that drives people to mock perceived racial attributions also drives them to measure skulls and buy Charles Murray books.

In the future, all of humanity will be played by Garret Dillahunt and that will change.

I believe the "two things" principle applies here.

Specifically kung fu flicks with David Carradine.

“[w]e’re facing some incredible challenges in our country and our culture, and I think it’s a ‘roll up our sleeves’ time.”

So the letter itself was sent anonymously and drafted such that it read like an angry communication from a disaffected supporter. Dr. King believed it was from Hoover's thugs, which the Church Committee confirmed after his death. It was one of a litany of embarrassments for the FBI/CIA in the mid-70s from that

Don't disagree.

The FBI also got ripped on today when they tried to honor a man to whom they'd sent a vicious private letter demanding that he commit suicide, so big day in chutzpah-land.

The best response in that whole Twitter thread was the dude who thanked Schneider for explaining Dr. King to Rep. Lewis and asked Rep. Lewis to explain Adam Sandler's career to Schneider.

What is wtf is starz lol

Di_ks _ut f_r H_r_mbe

They go low, we lose.

*Fascists lining "discourse" people against a wall*

Sure Shkreli schemes to rob sick, vulnerable people, but at least he's civil about it.

I think it's wildly inappropriate and deeply tasteless that this video is not better lit.

Counterpoint: I miss Gawker.

It was especially unsettling because he delivered the threat while perched on a stool, playing a telecaster.


I think he probably could have won. Sanders too. Clinton was just very unpopular and significantly/consistently under polled the current admin's approvals. (Though the opposite was the case in 2013 or so.)