W. B. Geats

It was probably Adomian doing a Corbett impression.

I think cheering people losing their health care is ghoulish.

Reminds me of the Daily Kos piece: "Be happy for coal miners losing their health insurance. They're getting exactly what they voted for"

As much as I personally like Favreau and a couple other guys from the Keepin' it 1600 universe, they are sometimes the perfect example of that "The smug style in American liberalism" piece that was going around last year.

I'd listen to a podcast of nothing but James Adomian doing political impressions. Adomian's Alex Jones voice during his most recent Chapo guest appearance had me dying.

Has anyone else noticed how young this pope is?

The Hollywood Reporter profile on him is not only full of great quotes from Peters about his love for smoking pot, but it also includes descriptions like this that perfectly set the scene for what sitting across from Peters must be like:

Sporting a ponytail, silk lounge pants and the kind of bravado that comes with

The Pornhub link won't autoplay but the thumbnail is a bit graphic. The responses are the best part, frankly.

I understand almost none of this but can't stop laughing.

"Twitter is generally a nightmare hellscape in which any person’s sanity is continuously pitted against an unceasing barrage of sociopathic abuse and maddening stupidity."

This is like the perfect inversion of the "sorry you were offended" apology. Which is to say, an apology.

He was headed to Latin America and we cancelled his passport while he was in the Moscow airport.

Since Trump has literally called for whistleblowers to be executed, I would not hold fleeing against anyone.

On the other hand, I hope federal agency whistleblowers leak wildly. I've felt this way during Obama's admin too.

All the alt-right twitter eggs would change their handles from Deplorable Pete to Power Bottom Pete.

It's a good model for the divide between establishment Rs and non-establishment Rs.

God the best part of the Peter Thiel/Maureen Dowd interview, if there was one, was the section where Thiel said he prefers Star Wars because Han Solo was in debt.

Late 80s, early 90s. Lack of post-war engagement is right. After Soviet backed Kabul fell, there was no effort on US's part to engage with centrist factions post war and we'd already empowered some of the worst factions by routing money to Mujahadeen through Pakistan's ISI.

Charlie Wilson was a Dem.