W. B. Geats


Organizing works.

He cites Steve Coll's Ghost Wars at several points in the song, per his nuanced politics referenced in this article.

Toby Keith has a song called "The Taliban Song." I don't have a pun here, I just thought you should know.

After sinking probably a couple hundred hours into The Long Dark sandbox mode, I'm pretty hyped on the first chapters of story mode.

I'm bookmarking the "Thank Fuck" tag URL for future reference.

The idea that pretty white actresses are essentially interchangeable is rich in a world of Hemsworth brother nesting dolls.

A) Natalie Portman should be paid equitably relative to her male counterpart.
B) We should tax the shit out of both of them.

I don't see my cubicle.

The report is from an unnamed 3rd party private investigative firm, so is unsubstantiated. It's been circulating around D.C. for a while now.

Good god Buzzfeed just posted a private opposition book on Trump and it involves golden showers in Moscow:

Don't hold your breath. The Rs are going to try to fucking steam roll us on SS, Medicare, Medicaid expansion, ACA, etc, and Ds are going to be shouting about Russia unless we get our shit together.

It's "project," according to the headline, which makes way more sense.

It's enraging to have a grounded position like "Meryl Streep is a chronic overactor" coopted by a disingenuous fuckhead.

The Committee To Project Journalists does important work keeping psychiatrists in business.

De Lisle says that he and his bandmates “fully embrace the meme aspect,”

I hope at the very least that we can take back the Gadsden flag.

If you Twitter search from:realdonaldtrump and "overrated," you'll see it's one of his favorite comebacks. Sometimes it's to amazingly underwhelming effect, like when Jon Stewart called him "Fuckface Von Clownstick" and Trump's clapback was "overrated!"

I actually think the proposition that this motherfucker is stone cold sober is much scarier.

"the intel on this wasn't 100 percent"