W. B. Geats

Part of the definitional problem is that neoliberal uses the word liberal in its classical sense (i.e. laissez-faire, supply side economics.) In the states liberal doesn't really mean what it means elsewhere in the world.

I'll let Cirion answer for him or herself, but my read is that pro unmitigated free market, anti-regulation political economics has created an environment of professional class vs everyone else that has festered into a nationalist, isolationist backlash.

To be fair though Silicon Valley is arrayed against the forces of truth and decency.

The worst part about sharia law is the vast carceral state.

Sure. And TBH I don't think using identity politics as a whipping horse is exclusively coming from the left of the party either. DeBoer, for instance, is a lefty who has issues w/ IP messaging, but so does Chait, who no one would accuse of being socialist.

I definitely respect your concerns. On the other hand, I genuinely believe that it's possible for Ds to perform better among the working class at large (whites and PoC) with a more economically populist, class-conscious message. And, frankly, with better organization on all levels.

In IL we're pretty unlikely to get that kind of margin any time soon given Chicago voters, but even with increased WWC rural turnout there's a lot of pro-union sentiment among Dems and Republicans (the public sector is strong down there). As a result the standard D vs. R split doesn't perfectly track in IL especially

And Rs flipped the state senate from Democratic-Farmer Labor this cycle. MN is a very unusual state politically.

Plus IL and MN are in the middle and we're going blue for the most part…

I was hoping they'd get the ultra-right riled up with Snatched, the female version of Taken.

Ah yes, the foreign culture of… Beyoncé.

When did the Latin word statim become stat??


tbqh that sounds like melanoma fam

*takes big hit on #pipe*

Sounds like MM prefers the advent calendar method



I guess one is by 2814 and one is by CybernΔzi.

Technically they all have kidneys.