W. B. Geats

I want to know who has been responsible for suppressing Mike's Boss fanfic.

She's hot.

I just googled to see if anyone had ever punched Piers Morgan in the face and, yes! Jeremy Clarkson.

You know how might ask yourself while watching a given zombie movie if that universe has zombie movies? Does the tech universe have AI/Sci-Fi movies or are they just like, yeah "God View" sounds fine?

In fact, “fewer than 10” employees have been fired for this breach of professionalism and privacy.

Have Jack Sparrow killed.

I've already eaten crow for laughing at the concept of People vs. OJ last year but now that 2016 has happened and most all is tallied, it was my favorite show of the year.

Probably one of my favorite articles of his since (the much shorter) "The Last Days of US Grant." His transformation into full fledged Civil War buff was fun to read.

Plus you've got to control for population growth like you would with inflation on box office gross figures.

When they do offer commentary, it’s generally in the form of snarky photo captions. An image of a Volunteer Minister breaking up a fight between two children, for instance, is undermined with a joke from Airplane!: “Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?”

No, just that the Transformers move on from feudalism to mercantilism

UPDATE: Kanye just tweeted #2024 and nothing matters.

Every time I see NAACP now, I think of that white nationalist wondering why white folks didn't have a WAACP, and then everyone musing on what that guy thinks the N in the acronym stands for.

One of the best Bill Mitchell tweets of the cycle was when he posted a photo of Trump leaning in to listen to a black guy, and Bill wrote: "You notice how close Trump stands to this black man? No racist would ever do that.”

Kanye's on an ultraright beam

You're thinking Dik Wolf

Dick move.

Now it looks like Rust Cohle's storage unit.

"it required a plethora of fake websites, like the sadly nonexistent"

*gay CGI Bantha walks across screen*