W. B. Geats

“Good for Maple Match for doing that, but I see these people as cowards for wanting to leave [the country].”

Never pay full price for late pizza.

*who's that casting devious stares*

She's a sweetheart.

*preemptively forms human shield around Dolly Parton*

The Blaze is earthly hell, according to Hello Newman

Header image definitely looks like they are having an argument re: Trump's dick size.

For dudes, adding glasses makes you smarter (see Rick Perry) and apparently the corollary for women is that removing glasses makes you hotter (see Princess Diaries).

Hell is other @people

I hope Paul Westerberg tells his story about the period where he was recording solo at Paisley and learned a buddy died (don't think it was Stinson). When he came back Prince had filled the studio with balloons.

Sometimes when I Master P after I Master B it burns a little

tfw you need reading glasses to jerk off

OTOH they aren't elected officials and he is.

I was proud of my city.


It can be two things.

The public wants Immortal Technique to throw Mike Pence in a trash can

So there's a chance this is a symbol of resistance? i.e. Go, Trump

“I am Thomas Cromwell in the court of the Tudors.”

Please bring back the brief, glorious Trump T fucking the Pence P.