W. B. Geats

I mean, the first NYT article about him in 1973 was about his housing discrimination practices so it's not like they had no inkling that he was a malicious fuck.

It actually was German for The Bart, The.

Slattern? She strikes me more as a strumpet or a brazen hussy!

I've made a huge mistake I would have made a huge mistake had I bothered.

*Mike Myers turns to look at Kanye, turns back to camera*


He who smelt it dealt it.

Hey, where's the link.

It's also why Trump's Twitter attacks on the NYT aren't an accident of his personality, but of a piece with his overall media strategy.

The Washington Post pressed him on this point, asking if he thinks he personally helped elect Trump, but all Horner can muster is “I don’t know. I don’t know if I did or not. I don’t know. I don’t know.”

I wasn't just going to assume that the "Genital Jousting" tag was a first time thing on AVC.

The header photo makes it look like Dr. Phil managed to squeeze his way into this moral travesty as well.

Judge Judy for AG.

“I’m very sick, I need help,” Duvall admits. “Well, that’s why I’m here,” replies Dr. Phil

No disagreement here. The party made lots of important concessions to Sanders' democratic socialist wing for the convention but then failed to communicate it in any way to voters. And I know there's understandably a lot of determinism re: Clinton could never have won, etc, but we lost by 109K votes in WI, MI and PA.

She had a platform but no one heard it. The reality is that everyone who could be convinced that Trump was a fuckhead already knew that by October. And she stayed in that lane rather than communicating her economic priorities, which are among the most populist the party ever put forth.

Except I think she failed to communicate that message in her campaign. She certainly delivered economic populism on the stump (particularly post primary), but not in paid media.

I like it but when I watched the director's cut it became obvious that its qualities were basically accidental.

Yeah. I've been have extremely vivid nightmares, which I haven't experienced since taking Chantix years ago. Woke up after a brutal one the other night, walked to kitchen, took a shot of whiskey, and went back to sleep.

Sure, it sounds dashing but then you realize its face is Nigel Farage.